Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Management of Sepsis


Management of Sepsis

Sepsis is a critical medical condition caused by organ dysfunction due to an abnormal response to infection. 

The Goals of treatment are: 

 To reduce mortality in adult and pediatric patients with severe sepsis and septic shock by developing a protocol-based approach to case identification and rapid treatment. 

Rapid identification and communication regarding patients with sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock. 

Treatment measures include: • Blood culture before antibiotics • Antibiotics • Lactate level • Fluid resuscitation • Use of vasopressors if persistent hypotension

Sepsis Definitions

Sepsis Bundles

Effectively managing sepsis and septic shock involves a team effort from healthcare professionals including doctors, nurses, patient care technicians, and pharmacists, among others, to improve patient-centered care and outcomes. 
The most effective way to reduce in-hospital mortality in sepsis patients is through early identification and prompt implementation of treatment bundles according to your hospital's protocols.


Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: Management Bundle Measure (cms.gov)

Pearls and Pitfalls: CMS and Sepsis – CriticalCareNow

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